Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

Letter from Geoffrey, Angga, Manda :( miss you so!

gak segampang ngebalik telapak tangan gue lupain elo! susah banget fan! sampe sekarang gue masih nyari pengganti lo! iya pengganti lo! gak ada yang bisa ngertiin gue fan! gue bosen disini! gue pengen balik aja ke depok! gue ga betah disini! gue pengen nangis! gue pengen cerita ke elo tapi gimana caranya? hp disita bokap! komputer selalu dimatiin! gue kayak anak apaan aja dikurung terus dirumah! gue gak punya orang yang bisa diajak curhat bareng.... Fany I miss you so.. jangan lupain gue :( gue sayang banget sama lo! Fanyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy gue pengen banget main lagi sama lo! Fanyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy gue pengen jailin lo sampe lo nangis! Fanyyyyyyyyyyyyy gue pengen nyubit pipi lo sampe lo nangis juga! gue kangennnn sama lo! demi! ah.... mau ke depok :(

Fany udah dulu ya ada bokap! kalo ketauan make komputer bisa bahaya.. bye fany!
take care my love!!!!!
I love you ! :*
kisshug from Angga, Manda, Geoffrey!

Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

well. be honest please..
you cannot lie to me.
If you dare to lie. I know it. I feel it. don't play with me. or karma will come to you.


It's me

I'm just α girl who hαve many friends in my true world αnd my fαke world. Thαt simple words meαns I'm α dreαmer. Heavy. Dreαmer. Mαybe.

Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

pernah gak ngerasain dilupain temen ?

sakit gak? iya kan? itu yg gue rasain sekarang. Lo cari perhatian aja mulu sama mereka. gue dilupain aje. fine. gue ngerti masalah lo. tapi ga segitunya juga lo sampe ngelupain gue.

Sabtu, 07 Agustus 2010

miss you :(

'I'm still wait for my turn.. you're selfish. you don't know my feeling. I feel like nobody wants to be my friends. I start to think nobody wants to be my friends anymore :( hello I'm a human same like you.......

why you do this?
why I keep my trust on you? tell me :( I'm tired dear..
maybe the answer is because I love you :(
I want to be friends but you don't want..
better I out from this game.
you don't need me anymore
goodbye my lovely
I still want to be your friends..

I really want crying on your shoulder,laughing like crazy,and hug you :(
I want our friendship become good :( not same like NOW.

I hope we can be friends like before.



from your lovely ex best friends'

p.s. : gue nangis baca ini :( gue gakuat. Jujur gue masih mau jadi best friends lo. Tapi lo udah pergi entah kemana :( I miss you so my dearest best friends. gue gamungkin lupain semua apa yg kita lakuin waktu dulu. hari ini 070810 10 bulannya lo pergi :( gue kangen dan gue gaakan lupain lo. apapun yg terjadi. you're still and always be my dearest lovely best friends forever. hidup atau mati :( miss you so much friends. LOVE YOU! from your lovely best friends, fany.


sekarang mah hanya bisa sabar,tenang,terima aja huah! capek sih sebenernya.. ya tapi bodolah Seru banget hari ini makan2 bareng 7c aa-- ♥

RT @FunnyOrFact: You Cry, I Cry. You Laugh, I Laugh. You Jump Off A Bridge, I Laugh Even Harder. #funnyorfact

RT @FunnyOrFact: Promises are like babies: easy to make but hard to deliver. #funnyorfact RT @FunnyOrFact: Relax guys, @JustinBieber is also a human. He also has 2 ears, 2 eyes, 2 hands and blah3 just like you. #funnyorfact

Senin, 02 Agustus 2010

let scream,cry,make puppy eyes
HOAH today I'm so tired,confuse,feel single !
God! what should I do? I'm tired play in this game of love!
I'm tired ! GOD!
I just can cried for now :(
I hope my relationship can be better..