Sabtu, 29 Mei 2010

Cinta datang tanpa kusadari..
Cinta masuk ke hatiku tanpa kusadari..
Cintamu,tlah memenuhi lubang hatiku..
karna disetiap pikiranku hanya terpikir namamu..
Disetiap langkahku hanya teringat namamu..
Disetiap mimpiku hanya tampak wajah manismu..
Disaat ku sendiri kau datang menemani..
Disaat ku sedih kau datang menghibur..
Saat hati ini hampa kau datang mengisi kehampaan ini..
entah mengapa hati ini berkata lain padamu..
Mengapa hati ini sangat menginginkanmu..
Apakah mungkin ku jatuh hati Padamu..

Sorry tulisannya jelek..
dari siapa ya ini ? hmm :)
kangen !
saya entah kenapa kangen banget sama dia!
saya entah kenapa kangen banget sama sahabat saya !
saya entah kenapa kangen banget sama sodara2 saya !
saya entah kenapa kangen banget sama semua !
kangenkangenkangen padahal bentar lagi ketemu !
udah gasabar pengen ketemu hihihi :0 :p
saya juga kangen sama kelinci2 saya yang udah mati :'B kangen banget!
intinya saya lagi kangen ! gatau sama siapa pokoknya kangen ! *LOL* *ROTFL*


ya ya :p
ini saya bersama kakak saya Agnes Magdalena (yang memakai baju bunga2)
dia adalah kakak yang kadang2 menakutkan,menyedihkan,menyenangkan
tetapi kebanyakan menyedihkannya he..he.. :p :p
dia tidak tinggal dirumah dia tinggal di apartment dekat kampusnya
yaa tentu saja saya sendiri.. mama saya kerja pulang malam papa saya pergi terus hanya kadang2 dirumah saya tinggal dirumah sendiri bersama mbak dan kadang2 sama kakak sepupu cowok saya. Terkadang saya kesepian --' tapi apa boleh buat itukan memang sudah urusan masing2 sih.. Kalau saya lagi kesepian saya hanya main bersama anjing dan kelinci saya huu sepi sekali memang sunyiiiiii! sebenarnya ini gila tapi saya ingin punya adik ckck entah kenapa sepertinya ya seru saja :p saya ingin sekali punya adik laki2 ! memang gila dan sangat tidak mungkin hahaha :p :p kalau punya adik laki2 bisa digangguin abis2an beda kalau adik perempuan hahaa (saya adik perempuan dari kakak saya --') gampang sekali nangis dan ngadu ------------------------------------------________--------------------------------------------
sama kayak saya waktu kecil :p :p
sekarangmah ngadu2 ngelawak bangettt kan udah gede -_- :p
sekian dulu deh ya !
semoga saya diberikan adik laki2 :[ amin !!!!!!!!

family day's :)

yipiyyy I make spaghetti w/ my mother :) so fun fun fun !
more fun than play pokemon --' hehee --V
*maaf jka ada salah kata.. :p

hanya memberitahu

banyak sekali anak muda yang hidup bersama2 dengan rokok !
saya tidak menyukainya.. mungkin nikmat ya rasanya.. tetapi dapat mebuat kalian gagal meraih masa depan..
sedih sekali akhir ceritanya seperti itu..
memang apa sih nikmatnya rokok ? itu hanya nikmat sesaat ! membuang2 uang kalian !
sadar ga sih kalian rokok itu mengandung zat2 kimia yang membahayakan ?
Saya rasa kalian tau ! kalian mengerti ! banyak bahayanya ! dibungkus rokoknya juga ada tulisan bahayanya kan ? lalu kalian kenapa masih merokok ?
memang ya itu berdasarkan kesadaran masing2..
tapi saya hanya mengingatkan saja buat anak2 muda yang suka ngerokok,berhenti deh ! daripada akhirnya nyesel sendiri..
(cuma ngasih tau aja)
yang terpikirkan oleh saya sekarang hanya kamu..
hahahihi :3 iyaa kamu !
kenapa ya ? sungguh aneh bukan ? :P
huamhuam ! mungkin karena saya kangen kali sama kamu ? iya ya? ahahaha :p*
sepertinya iya ... hahahaa ;D
saya memikirkan kamu terus --'' ayo kamu pergi sanaaaaaaaaaa Xp
pergi dari pikiran saya ! aahhaahah :p

*semoga orangnya kagak baca --''
sayang sekali pada mereka
entahlah.. saya sayang sekali pada mereka !
sehingga melihat mereka meneteskan air mata sedikit saja saya rasanya ingin sekali ikut meneteskan air mata.. Melihat mereka marah saya hanya bisa tutup mulut dan mendengarkan segalanya.. segala amarah dan kebencian ! saya juga ingin sekali rasanya menampar atau melakukan sesuatu kepada orang yang mereka benci ! karena saya seperti merasakan hal yang sama tetapi saya tidak mendapat masalah itu jadi saya hanya bisa mendengarkan keluhan mereka dan diam.. Saya memang hanya bisa diam ! tetapi jika saya sudah sangat amat benci.. saya akan melakukan apa saja kepada orang itu ! tapi seharusnya saya bisa mengendalikan emosi sehingga saya menyelesaikan masalah itu dengan cara omongan bukan dengan cara main tangan atau main kasar ! saya tidak suka itu tetapi jika ada yang memulainya dengan main kasar saya juga akan membalasnya ! saya tidak terima diperlakukan seperti itu ! kita sama2 makan nasi kenapa mereka bisa memperlakukan itu sama saya tetapi saya tidak bisa ?! saya bisa melakukan itu ! hanya saja saya masih punya akal sehat untuk melakukan itu ! ada waktunya ! semua ada waktunya ! tidak bisa langsung instan jadi ! itu semua memerlukan proses ! proses pemikiran untuk melakukan itu ! Jadi tidak asal melakukan itu semua..

P.S : pikir dulu sebelum melakukan sesuatu ! jangan sampai yang kamu lakukan menyakiti perasaan orang lain !
ya ya ya
hanya itu yang dapat saya katakan saya sebenarnya ingin mengatakan tidak
tetapi itu sangat susah keluar dari mulut saya
saya seperti dihipnotis untuk mengatakan ya..
tetapi saya harus mencoba mengatakan tidak !
YA saya pasti bisa..
saya harus mencoba.. siapapun dia saya harus berani mengatakan tidak!!
tidaktidaktidak hahaha mungkin saya akan mencoba mengatakan tidak ke orang yang saya benci lalu saya mengatakan itu ke orang itu.. ya ! orang itu yang sudah merebut segalanya merebut hati saya pikiran saya tetapi dia TIDAK bisa merebut orang yang saya sayang !!
karena orang yang saya sayang menurut saya adalah segalanya bagi saya <3>
cukup saja dia merebut hati,dan pikiran saya! setelah ini nol besar,sayangg !
saya tidak akan mebiarkan kamu mengambil mereka ! ya merka ! orang2 yang sangat berarti buat saya ! saya tidak akan mebiarkan semua itu terjadi ! Tuhan bantu aku untuk mengatakan TIDAK untuk dia ! orang yang saya benci dan kadang2 sayang (terkadang saya tidak tega melihatnya) !
hello :) morning
hari ini saya meninggalkan kemajuan teknologi saya hanya membuka blog saja..
saya mendeactivekan FB huammm saya bosan dengan segalanya
karena paket unlimited BB saya habis saya akhirnya terbebas dari semua itu..
rasanya saya juga ingin menonaktifkan twitter dan saya hanya ingin memiliki blog saja..
saya melakukan ini karena kemarin FB membuat saya sangat stress.. sayang sekali ya padahalkan itu untuk media komunikasi tapi digunakan untuk hal2 yang membuat saya benci,kecewa,dan marah ! dan saya pikir itu hanya membuang waktu dan membuat saya capek hati dan pikiran sendiri.. ---

Berbeda dengan blog saya lebih nyaman disini tapi entahlah mungkin sewaktu2 saya akan meninggalkan kemajuan teknologi dalam arti saya akan menjadi anak yang tidak mengerti teknologi lagi.. hahahaa mungkin tidak juga tapi intinya kalau saya sudah bosan.. saya akan meninggalkan itu dengan cara apapun..
sebenarnya tidak ada yang salahkan kalau kita meninggalkan sesuatu? itu hak kita juga..

sebenarnya sih FB asik tapi ada satu sisi yang mebuat saya kecewa..
kecewa banget sampai saya meninggalkan FB..
saya sakit dibuat satu orang.. Ya satu orang.. Orang itu.. ya adalah... orang..
intinya saya sedih saja sebenernya hanya masalah sangatttt amat sepele..
saya tidak mau membuatnya menjadi masalah besar karena saya bukan tipe orang yang suka membesar2kan maslah kecil.. Biarlah nantinya dia sadar..
semoga hari ini ga ada nangis2an ya.. semoga yang ada hanyalah kesenangan :D
GBU all :) have a nice dayyyyyyyyy..

Jumat, 28 Mei 2010


gue pasti nangis deh gue pilek juga gara2 hampir setiap malem nangis
emang lebay sih tapi tuh gue kayak dirasukkin gitu :(
dia kayak nyuruh gue nangis gue aja binggung kok bisa gitu !
plis banget ;(
gue gamau nangis mulu gue mau seneng
gue hanya seneng kalo bareng temen dan keluarga gue..
tapi mereka kadang2 ga ada disamping gue :(
gue kesepian gue gatau harus ngapain..
gue kadang butuh seseorang.. seseorang yg bisa nemenin gue..
tapi percuma juga.. itu hanya mimpi gue kok pny orang yg kayak gt..


satu kata yang ada dibenak gue sekarang
gatau kenapa gue ngerasa gue tuh benci banget sama dia
padahal hanya satu hal sepele..
menyangkut like melike sih
tapi gatau kenapa gue kesel aja -__-
hmm bad night !

apakabar temen SD ?

huamm gue liat foto2 SD nyamnyammm hampirrr gue nangisss kangennn bangett sama mereka mereka mereka sekarang kayak gimana ya? kangen gue apakah mereka tambah cantik dan ganteng ? so pasti dong ;) iya nggak ? ahhhhaahaahaahaa so love them and miss themm !!!

selalu salah

kenapa ya orang pengen berbuat sesuatu yang baik dbilang salahlah
kenapa ya kalo orang pengen punya banyak temen banyak yang suka fitnah macem2
kenapa ya kalo orang sabar itu selalu dikasih cobaan
kenapa ya kalo orang baik malah dikira jahat sama orang lain
kenapa ya orang itu kalo udah dikasih malah minta lebih
kenapa ya kalo orang yg minta sesuatu ga diturutin selalu ngambek
kenapa ya orang jujur selalu difitnah sama orang lain
kenapa ya kalo ada orang yang bener selalu salah dimata orang lain
kenapa ya orang yang cantik/ganteng selalu ada didepan sementara yg jelek/biasa2 selalu dipandang sebelah mata
kenapa ya kalo orang setia itu terkadang diduain
kenapa ya ada orang yang gabisa ngehargain perasaan orang lain
kenapa ya ada orang yang jahat didunia ini

hello namanya kita juga manusia
pasti pernahkan berbuat salah satu dari ini?
gue yakin iya !
jadi tuh nyantai aja.. kita manusia biasa yang bisa buat kesalahan
dan kita juga gabisa apa apa
jadi tuh kita gpp buat kayak gini didunia
tapi tunggu tanggal main di akhirr lo akan diadilin seadil2nya sama Tuhan
jadi tuh kalo kita ngelakuin ini jangan lupa tobattttt
waktu lo masih panjang................
kecuali kalo lo putus asa dan mau bunuh diri ya gue hanya bisa bilang : bye (sumpah parah abiss)
tapi serius ya gue paling benci sama orang yang putus asa terus mau bunuh diri
ckckck hargain hidup lo,mass !
hargain masa depan lo !
kasian kalo lo mati banyak yang sedih!
dan semua pasti kecewa sama lo
dan di akhir hukuman buat lo lebih berat ;'(
huammm udah dulu ah ya :) pengen nyari lagu2 yang bagus BYE

satu lagi : semua indah pada waktunya :)

for them..

hmm jadi keinget waktu dulu waktu gue belom ngenal apa2 waktu gue masih kecil waktu gue bisa berbuat apa2 tnpa harus malu tanpa harus merasa bersalah gue pengen itu terulang meskipun gue tau itu nyusahin orang2 tapi ya gue pengen aja gue rasa itu lebih menyenangkan dari sekarang ya maksud gue sekarang waktu ini jam ini detik ini hmm gue rasa yang "sekarang" itu gue lebih punya rasa tanggung jawab rasa ketakutan rasa bersalah beda sama dulu gue santaiiiiiiii aja ckcck emang lebih enak ya jadi anak kecil yang ga bisa apa dan masih polos gue jadi ingett banget waktu gue naik kereta sama mama dan kakak gue gue liat ada anak kecil main2 di lorong kereta dan dia tuh jalan dilorong tanpa ada rasa beban,salah,takut uhuhuhu gue juga mau dan waktu gue study tour gue liat ada anak kecil megang balon terus main main sama temen2 kecilnyaa :'( serius deh gue mauu bangetbangett kayak gitu..

harusnya gue tuh berpikir lebih dewasa dan menerima semua ini selama gue masih hidup didunia gue harus nikmatin yang udah diberikanNya ke gueee gue makasih deh sama Tuhan yang masih mengijinkan gue untuk hidup :'D special thanks for my mother yang udah sabar ngerawat gue sampe gue SMP dan nyusahin bangettt and my sister Agnes hahaah kakak yang kadang2 ngelawak kadang2 marah kadang2 nyuruh2 dan nyusahin but it so fun to be with you my father orang yang paling gue buat susah.. I'm really sorry that I 'm so sorry.. and my friends Yosephine,Patricia,Robert,Redito,Ronaldo,etc sorry ya kadang gue buat kalian susah sebenernya gue ga bermaksud gitu hanya gue pengen aja main soalnya gue gapunya temen buat main paling cuma disekolah gue bisa main dirumah gue diemmmmmmmmmmmm aje -__- and YOU my special person I just wanna say love you and I really sorry I'm a kind of boring person isn't ? really soryyy and thank you very muchmuchmuch !!!!! I love you all especially for GOD you're the best (y) dan buat orang2 yang udah gue buat susah maafmaafmaaffffff bangettt gue ga bermaksudd untuk kayak gituu :'DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Senin, 24 Mei 2010

hahaaha :)

today was my anniversarry hahahaa :p :p apaan sih gaje alalalalalaala wwkwkwk pokoknya intinya hari ini gue seneng mampus gatau kenapa hahahaha :p (acadd) ckckcck gue bosen -_____- ada yg sms gue dong wakakakaka aduh sumpah entri gue hari ni gapenting bangettttttt ahahaha disini dulu ya mau main parampa dulu gue :) byeeeeeeeee <3

Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

hari ini : reseeeeeeeeeee

ihh kesel guaaa masa dramanya tadi Romeo Juliet !!!! tanpa latihan (n)
gue sama Adi bodohnya Adi absen 1 gue absen 2 AAAA sedih banget dah gue -___- ketawa mulu guenyaaa huu adi juga lagi kamsyongggggggggggg RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR ckckck katanya minggu depan masa cewek disuruh pake : dress+high heels plis bangettttt ahhh cowo : kemeja -_- masih mending lah ini high heels lah -_- RESE sumpahh masa pasangannya kayak hari ini (n) insapp !!!!!!!!!!!!! ahh gamasuk ah Xp (parahhh) atau mudah2an liburrr :'( huaaaaaa sedih gueeeeeeeee zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz hari ini : RESE BAU !!!!!!

hello it is SO FUNNY :DDDDD
ini temen gue namanya ronaldo aahaha keren abis die kompak banget (y)
hahahahaha kulll ckckckc seru ya gue pengen main lagi deh huuu hari ini disekolah sepii -____- pada gamasuk (n) si nyopon juga kagak masuk wu payah lu pon hahaha pokoknya hari ini seru YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

A Thousand Miles

Making my way downtown
Walking fast
Faces pass
And I'm home bound

Staring blankly ahead
Just making my way
Making a way
Through the crowd

And I need you
And I miss you
And now I wonder....

If I could fall
Into the sky
Do you think time
Would pass me by
'Cause you know I'd walk
A thousand miles
If I could
Just see you

It's always times like these
When I think of you
And I wonder
If you ever
Think of me

'Cause every thing's so wrong
And I don't belong
Living in your
Precious memory

'Cause I need you
And I miss you
And now I wonder....

If I could fall
Into the sky
Do you think time
Would pass me by
'Cause you know I'd walk
A thousand miles
If I could
Just see you

And I, I
Don't want to let you know
I, I
Drown in your memory
I, I
Don't want to let this go
I, I

Making my way downtown
Walking fast
Faces pass
And I'm home bound

Staring blankly ahead
Just making my way
Making a way
Through the crowd

And I still need you
And I still miss you
And now I wonder....

If I could fall
Into the sky
Do you think time
Would pass us by
'Cause you know I'd walk
A thousand miles
If I could
Just see you...

If I could fall
Into the sky
Do you think time
Would pass me by
'Cause you know I'd walk
A thousand miles
If I could
Just see you
If I could
Just hold you

Kelly Clarkson - Because of You

I will not make the same mistakes that you did
I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery
I will not break the way you did
You fell so hard
I've learned the hard way, to never let it get that far

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side
So I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust
Not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake a smile, a laugh
Every day of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side
So I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust
Not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

I watched you die
I heard you cry
Every night in your sleep
I was so young
You should have known better than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else
You just saw your pain
And now I cry
In the middle of the night
For the same damn thing

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side
So I don't get hurt
Because of you
I tried my hardest just to forget everything
Because of you
I don't know how to let anyone else in
Because of you
I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty
Because of you
I am afraid

Because of you
Because of you

Nikka Costa - First Love

Everyone can see

There's a change in me

They all say I'm not the same

Kid I use to be

Don't go out and play

I just dream all day

They don't know what's wrong with me

And I'm too shy to say

It's my first love

What I'm dreaming on

When I go to bed

When I lay my head upon my pillow

Don't know what to do

My first love

He thinks that I'm too young

He doesn't even know

Wish that I could tell him what I'm feeling

'cause I'm feeling my first love

Mirror on the wall

Does he care at all

Does he ever notice me

Does he ever found

Tell me teddy bear

My love is so unfair

Will I ever found away

An answer to my pray

For my first love...

Utada Hikaru - First Love

Saigo no kisu wa
Tabako no flavor ga shita
Nigakute setsunai kaori

Ashita no imagoro niwa
Anata wa doki ni irun darou
Dare wo omotterun darou

You are always gonna be my love
Itsuka dareka to mata koi ni ochitemo
I'll remember to love
You taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
Ima wa mada kanashii love song
Atarashii uta utaeru made

Tachidomaru jikan ga
Ugokidasou to shiteru
Wasuretakunai koto bakari

Ashita no imagoro niwa
Watashi wa kitto naiteru
Anata wo omotterun darou

You will always be inside my heart
Itsumo anata dake no basho ga aru kara
I hope that I have a place in your heart too
Now and forever you are still the one
Ima wa mada kanashii love song
Atarashii uta utaeru made

You are always gonna be my love
Itsuka dareka to mata koi ni ochitemo
I'll remember to love
You taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
Mada kanashii love song
Now and forever

Dua - Kau

Lelahku mencari penggantimu... penggantimu...
Tetap kan kembali kepadamu... kepadamu...
Mungkin ini pertanda engkaulah cintaku... cintaku...

Tiada yang lain yang pantas untukku
Yang seharusnya ku cinta
Bolehkah lagi kuminta hatimu
Kembali seperti dulu

Bayangmu selalu menggelapkan dihatiku
Hingga ku tak mungkin mengganti yang lain selain diriku
Mungkin ini pertanda seharusnya cintaku... cintaku...

Tiada yang lain yang pantas untukku
Yang seharusnya ku cinta
Bolehkah lagi kuminta hatimu
Kembali seperti dulu

Kuingin kau slalu yang jadi milikku ooh...

Study Tour anak kelas 7

udah lewat sih study tournya ahhaha tapi gue pengen ngasih liat aja :p :p
20 April 2010
anak kelas 7 SMP MY DEP pergi study tour -_-
agak garing sih hahaha tapi ya agak seru juga
kita ke Museum Nasional,Museum Bank Mandiri,Museum Fatahillah,dan Setu Babakan
jujur ya gue ngerasa biasa2 aja hahaha ga ada yg seru yg seru cuma di Bis -,-
gue paling gasuka di Setu ! garing abis ahahah tapi ada serunya juga wkwkw
waktu di Setu gue naik bebek2an :p sama ayu,ephiine,tika,esa,obet
ckckckc ngelawak terus si lukas sama engkin kocak Xp pis yak gue bercanda :p
terus pas pulang seru pada nyanyi2 gaje ckcck emang yang enak cuma di Bis doang -..- fuuuuuuu
wkwkwkwk gue bosen sih makannya gue nulis ini sebenernya gak penting tapi kan kocak :p #apaan sih heehe udah dulu ya gaje ini ;p




I miss my elementary school friends :( how does they look ya ?
huhuu :'( i miss them ! I'll never forget you guys :)))
*maaf kalo bahasa inggrisnya ada yang salah :)
ayo temen SD ngumpul lagi!
gue juga kangen Royal Trouble deh huuuuuuu
Royal Trouble : Stella Ginting,Patricia Diva Ayu,Elizabeth Clara
miss miss you guys !!!!!
pokoknya kalian is the best :))))

uh oh this is my dream!

mau deh sekolah disini !
hahaaha sekarang enjoy dulu deh sama SMP MY Depok (y)
nanti ada waktunya gue kesana hahaah (amin) ;)
harus belajar giat! SEMANGAT

Alladin - A Whole New World Lyrics

I can show you the world Shining, shimmering, splendid Tell me, princess, now when did You last let your heart decide?
I can open your eyes Take you wonder by wonder Over, sideways and under On a magic carpet ride
A whole new world A new fantastic point of view No one to tell us no Or where to go Or say we're only dreaming

A whole new world A dazzling place I never knew But when I'm way up here It's crystal clear That now I'm in a whole new world with you Now I'm in a whole new world with you
Unbelievable sights Indescribable feeling Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling Through an endless diamond sky
A whole new world Don't you dare close your eyes A hundred thousand things to see Hold your breath - it gets better I'm like a shooting star I've come so far I can't go back to where I used to be
A whole new world Every turn a surprise With new horizons to pursue Every moment red-letter I'll chase them anywhere There's time to spare Let me share this whole new world with you
A whole new world That's where we'll be A thrilling chase A wondrous place
For you and me

Chelsea !

I love Chelsea :)
Check it :,,10268,00.html
Thx ;))))))))

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Somewhere over the rainbow way up high
In the land that I heard of once
Once in a lullaby
Well someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Away above the chimney tops that's where you'll find me
Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream
They really do come true
If happy little blue birds fly beyond the rainbow
Why oh why can't I?

When You Wish Upon A Star

When You Wish Upon A Star
Louis Armstrong

When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you

If your heart is in your dreams
No request is to extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do

Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
As sweet fullfillment of their secret drowns
Like a boat out of the blue
Fate steps in and see's you through

Moma when you wished upon a star
Your dreams come true

(instrumental break)

Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
As sweet fullfillment of their secret drowns
Like a boat out of the blue
Fate steps in and see's you through

Baby when you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true
When you wished upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Your dreams come true

Heyo ;)

lagi dirumah ephine bareng bencong nanti dito dan juni nyusul
hahahha seru sih (y) tapi nanti gue disuruh pulang cepet huhuhu :'(
aaaaaaaaaaaa nunggu dua orang itu lama bangettttttttttt hiksss
heyoheyoheyo gue kangen sama P wakakakak ;p miss you sooo
btw kita buat apa ya tugas ipa ? hmmm wkwkwkwkwkkwwkwkwkkw :p :p
1 kata buat awal hari ini ASIK :)
huaaaaaa asik ya ;) mudah2an sering2 deh kayak begini
Anastasia Teresa Stefany,Yosephine Uliarta,Ignatius Robert,Redito Benaya,Ronaldo Junior

Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

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Mardi Yuana Depok

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SMP Mardi Yuana Depok


Nama Sekolah : SMP Mardi Yuana Depok
Berdiri : 1 Agustus 1955
Pengukuhan SK. Pendirian
Yayasan : 055.45.KEP.Y.83
Depdikbud : IV/33/84, tanggal 1 Agustus 1955
Alamat :

Jalan Cempaka No. 4,
Telp. (021) 7761066
DEPOK - 16431


SMP Mardi Yuana Depok berdiri pada tanggal 1 Agustus 1955 sesuai dengan surat Kepala Wilayah Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Propinsi Jawa Barat, Bidang Pendidikan Menengah Umum, Nomor : 1084/I.02.4/B.83, tanggal 10 Oktober 1983. Dengan Nomor Register : IV/33/83, tanggal 1 Agustus 1955.
Menurut data yang ada SMP Mardi Yuana Depok, baru menerima siswa tahun ajaran 1964, diawali dengan jumlah siswa pendaftar tercatat sebanyak 80 siswa.

SMP Mardi Yuana Depok berjalan dan berkembang sebagaimana layaknya sekolah-sekolah yang ada di Depok. Dengan semangat pengorbanan para perintis, dari tahun ke tahun SMP Mardi Yuana Depok mendapat kepercayaan dari masyarakat. Terbukti dengan semakin meningkatnya jumlah calon siswa yang mendaftar pada setiap tahun pelajaran baru.

SMP Mardi Yuana merupakan wujud dari harapan dan cita-cita guru SD Mardi Yuana waktu itu. Waktu itu di Depok belum ada SMP Swasta. Satu-satunya SMP yang ada adalah SMP Negeri I. Dengan dasar cita-cita dan kebutuhan itulah guru SD Mardi Yuana mencoba mewujudkan SMP Mardi Yuana. Waktu belajar terpaksa bergantian dengan SD Mardi Yuana. SD Mardi Yuana masuk pagi dan SMP masuk siang hari. Dengan memakai gedung SD secara bergantian. Dalam perjalanan waktu, SMP Mardi Yuana yang terbentuk menyewa gedung di Jalan Mawar No. 1 Depok.
Atas desakan dari orang tua dan para tokoh pendidikan di Depok dan didukung oleh masyarakat setempat, maka pada tahun 1970 Mardi Yuana memiliki lahan sekolah dan gedung sekolah di Jl. Cempaka No. 4 Depok. Hingga sekarang alamat inilah SD, SMP dan SMA Mardi Yuana Depok berada.

Michael Buble - Everything

You're a falling star, you're the get away car.
You're the line in the sand when I go too far.
You're the swimming pool, on an August day.
And you're the perfect thing to say.

And you play it coy but it's kinda cute.
Ah, when you smile at me you know exactly what you do.
Baby don't pretend that you don't know it's true.
'cause you can see it when I look at you.

And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, you make me sing.
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.

You're a carousel, you're a wishing well,
And you light me up, when you ring my bell.
You're a mystery, you're from outer space,
You're every minute of my everyday.

And I can't believe, uh that I'm your man,
And I get to kiss you baby just because I can.
Whatever comes our way, ah we'll see it through,
And you know that's what our love can do.


So, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
So, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, you make me sing.
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.
You're every song, and I sing along.
'Cause you're my everything.
Yeah, yeah

So, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
So, la, la, la, la, la, la, la


Enchancia is where the butterfly people, also called Beautyflies, live.

They are a people full of magic and wonder. They are also the center of the dream worlds, where the dreams of humans come from when they sleep. They are the guardians to all the dreams of children and young adults. For countless years, Enchancia has been a world of pure happiness, joy, and beauty. All were happy here, and wanted for nothing.

One beautiful day, a dark-minded human found the way to open the gate to Enchancia, and Enchancians life changed forever. Darkness shadowed their world within seconds, and the dreams they had fought so hard to protect slowly began to die.

Queen Zoila, leader of the Beautyflies, had only one choice: to sacrifice herself to save her world and give protection to the Beautyflies. She used up all her energy creating a Dom over the Enchancians.

Sacrifices were made. Those who did not make it under the Dom were lost forever, and those who did lost both their powers and wings. The only protection they have now is the Dom, and as the Dark Shadow becomes gains more and more power, the hopes of the Enchancians grow weaker and weaker.

“The fate of our world depends on the dreams and belief of us all. Will those be enough to save it? If dreams die, what will become of all of us?

In a dream you can be anything you want as long as believe in yourself. Without beautiful dreams, our magical world couldn’t exist.

Dreams are so precious; we must protect them.”

Why do the dreams have to be protected?
In Limbo there are Bugs that feed on human children’s dreams. Once they enter a dream, they begin to grow and turn it into a nightmare. If the bug stays too long, they able to put the dreaming child into a deep sleep, known as Sleep Death. The child will believe everything in the dream is real, and be unable to wake up from it. That’s why the Enchancians have to protect the dreams and keep them safe for all of us.

How can Enchancia be saved?
Princess Leah must find the Magical Flower that contains 12 differently-shaped diamonds. With that, the Wiseman believes she will able to defeat Dark Shadow, but no one knows for sure if this is the case. The problem is, the flower is hidden in a very special child’s dream, and Princess Leah has no right to enter it. The magic force that used to surround her is too weak to enter any dream. The Wiseman decides to help Princess Leah by bringing a human child into the world where no human has entered before, but only a pure-hearted child could enter, because the child’s intentions would have to be good and not evil. This is where Sassi comes into our story.

Once the Flower is found, the characters will learn that all the Diamonds they need are missing. Someone took them and spread them all across the dream world. This is tricky, because there are millions of dreams and they only need to find 12 Diamonds!

How will they know which dreams have one of the Diamonds they are looking for?

There is place in Limbo where all dream doors are kept. What is Limbo, you might wonder? Limbo is between worlds, nowhere. When someone wants to enter another world, they have to go through Limbo first to get an approval. Time doesn’t exist there. In Limbo, there are cute tiny flying creatures; they attack when a stranger touches them, turning into scary monsters, but other than that they can’t hurt you. Limbo is all about endless roads, doors to dreams and gates to other worlds. If someone accidentally steps off a road they will fall into a Forever Falling, emptiness.

All dream doors are kept up high in one part of Limbo. Sassi will have to step into a circle where she will have to place her Rose Wand front of her. She will have to know which Diamond they want to look for first, and will then need to describe the dream that would be the most suitable for that specific Diamond. When they get the right door, six large rectangle glasses will surround Sassi, and a force will slowly bring down the door. Since only Sassi can open the doors, the door will request a password to enter, and want to know her reason for doing so. This is what she will have to say each time she wants to open a door:

“Open, door and let me in.
Show me the dream
that’s within!”

Once they are in a dream, the appearance of their clothes changes a bit, and they must find the dreamer of that special dream before 24 hours are up, because only the dreamer can lead them to the Diamonds they are looking for.

How will it end?
This is the biggest question of all, but I think this is something I would like to keep to myself.

Places, Creatures and Objects:

This is where the Butterfly People live. Their life support comes from happy dreams dreamt by children, and from the sunlight that used to surround Enchancia.

They are half-human and half-butterfly. They have wings just like butterflies, but when their wings are not in use they disappear, and when they’re needed again they reappear. Can you imagine sleeping peacefully with large wings attached to your back? ^____^

Limbo is a place between worlds, nowhere. Time doesn’t exist there. Limbo is nothing but endless roads that lead to various places, but beware; if you fall off the road, you will fall into a Forever Falling, and then no one can help you, not even the Gatekeeper.

Creatures of Limbo
They are tiny cute flying creatures, and they have a very special attack. When a stranger touches them, their reaction is, turn into a monster and scare everyone away.

Gates open to other worlds. Without the Gatekeeper, no one is allowed to go anywhere.

Magical Flower
It contains 12 differently-shaped Diamonds. When used together, all are very powerful.

Each Diamond has a different look and power. Whoever finds one gains its power, but Sassi also gains special memories from them that will help her find out the truth about something very important.

The Diamonds are: Faith, Love, Belief, Beauty, Hope, Peace, Courage, Trust, Health, Happiness, Purity, and Light.

Once the characters enter a dream, they have to follow certain rules: they can’t stay for more than 24 hours, they have to become part of the dream, and they must find the dreamer of that special dream, because he or she will able to lead the characters to the Diamonds. Most of the time unknowingly it’s in their position.

When the characters become part of the dream their clothes changes a bit, but once they are out, everything returns to normal.

Dream Doors
All dream doors can talk and have their own personalities. There are cranky, happy, sad, in love, and so on doors.

The Light and Dark Books
The Light Book has all the good powers of the future, advice, etc., and the Dark Book is the opposite of the Light Book. Each book has its own Guardian. The Light Book currently exists near Guilhermo in Limbo, and the other is with Dark Shadow guarded by Enoch.

Rose Wand
Sassi will collect and place the Diamonds in the Rose Wand. The Rose Wand also helps bring out her magic side, because magic used to be everywhere until it was forbidden for humans to use.
(I think you should add some kind of explanation here, even if it’s only a little one: “. . . for humans to use, because . . .” Even if it’s only “. . . for humans to use, because of reasons that will be revealed through the course of the story,” that would work. But I think you need a little more here. Also, do ALL humans have a hidden magic side within them, or is Sassi the only one? If all humans have that potential, why Sassi in particular? Just because she’s the first pure-hearted child they found? Or is there another reason that we’ll find out later? And if all humans DON’T have that potential, why does Sassi? You don’t have to explain either of those things here — especially not if you want to reveal them in the course of the story — but I think it would be nice if you made it clear whether all humans have this hidden magical side or not, because it isn’t made clear here yet.)

They feed on happy dreams. Once they enter a dream, they begin to grow and turn a dream into a nightmare. If the bug stays too long, it will be able to put the dreaming child into a deep sleep called Sleep Death. The child will then believe everything in the dream is real, and will be unable to wake up from it.

A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes

A dream is a wish your heart makes When you're fast asleep In dreams you lose your heartaches Whatever you wish for, you keep Have faith in your dreams and someday Your rainbow will come smiling thru No matter how your heart is grieving If you keep on believing the dream that you wish will come true

Senin, 17 Mei 2010

You'll be in my heart

Come, stop your crying, it will be all right
Just take my hand, hold it tight
I will protect you from, all around you
I will be here, don't you cry

For one so small, you seem so strong
My arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm
This bond between us, can't be broken
I will be here, don't you cry

'CAUSE you'll be in my heart
YES, you'll be in my heart
From this day on, now and forever more

You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart, always

Why can't they understand the way we feel?
They just don't trust, what they can't explain
I know we're different but, deep inside us
We're not that different at all

Don't listen to them, 'cause what do they know?
We need each other, to have, to hold
They'll see in time, I know
When destiny calls you, you must be strong
I may not be with you, but you've got to hold on
They'll see in time, I know, we'll show them together


Always, I'll be with you
I'll be there for you, always, always and always
Just look over your shoulder
I'll be there, always

EndahN'Rhesa - When You Love Someone

I love you but it’s not so easy to make you here with me
I wanna touch and hold you forever
But you’re still in my dream
And I can't stand to wait ‘till night is coming to my life
But I still have a time to break a silence
When you love someone
just be brave to say that you want him to be with you
when you hold your love
don’t ever let it go
or you will loose your chance
to make your dreams come true...
I used to hide and watch you from a distance and i knew you realized
I was looking for a time to get closer at least to say... “hello”
And I can’t stand to wait your love is coming to my life
When you love someone
just be brave to say that you want him to be with you
when you hold your love
don’t ever let it go
or you will loose your chance
to make your dreams come true...
And I never thought that I’m so strong
I stuck on you and wait so long
but when love comes it can’t be wrong
Don’t ever give up just try and try to get what you want
Cause love will find the way....
When you love someone
just be brave to say that you want him to be with you
when you hold your love
don’t ever let it go
or you will loose your chance
to make your dreams come true...

Paramore- The Only Exception

When I was younger
I saw my daddy cry
And curse at the wind
He broke his own heart
And I watched
As he tried to reassemble it

And my momma swore that
She would never let herself forget
And that was the day that I promised
I'd never sing of love
If it does not exist

But darling,
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception

Maybe I know, somewhere
Deep in my soul
That love never lasts
And we've got to find other ways
To make it alone
Keep a straight face

And I've always lived like this
Keeping a comfortable, distance
And up until now

I had sworn to myself that I'm
Content with loneliness

Because none of it was ever worth the risk

Well, You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception

I've got a tight grip on reality
But I can't
Let go of what's in front of me here
I know you're leaving
In the morning, when you wake up
Leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream


You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception

And I'm on my way to believing
Oh, And I'm on my way to believing
hmm lagu ini kadang suka buat gue nangis kadang juga cekikikan ahahha tapi you must listen it with your heart and you will understand...................................


kalo gue kasih chat balesnya niat dong -_______- balesnya: y,g,ok bzz mending gausah chat deh
huu rese dah -__- si bencong juga rese wakkkkkkkkkkkkkk kalo gue inget gue marah kayak gitu pengen ketawa sendiri gue ahahaha toolooll amat gue marah kayak gitu ckck maaf ya <3
eh iya kocak deh kan ada oma gue dirumah tapi masa dia minta pulang teruskkan masa mau naik taksi -___- gue sendiri dong? tega amat -___- terus akhirnya gue tahan terus gue disrh nelpon kerumah dia terus ada yang ngangkat :
gue : Hallo
suara cewek : hallo ini siapa ya?
gue : (dalem hati binggung kok suara cewek) lho ini siapa?
dia : tante ike
gue : dalem hati ngmg WTF siapa nih kok dirumah oma gue dan gue lgsg nutup telepon hahaha takut
terus ditelepon lagi sama oma dan bibi oma gue mereka bilang itu om gue tapi main2in suara hahahah pengen gue tonjok om gue yg satu itu ckck kocak =D


May 17th,2010
Ga kerasa bentar lagi naik kenaikan hmm harus optimis naik hhehe :)
kakak kakak yang udah SMA asik nih :) tapi ga ada satupun yang nraktir :3
adek2 yang SD mau lulus SMP sabar aja ya ;) semoga SDMYDEP lulus 100% A M I N
meskipun SMPMYDEP ada yang ga lulus tapi ada susulan kan ;) semangat kakak2 :))
hmm pas kelas 8 kenapa banyak yang pindah sih? gak asik :(
besties gue si bencong pindah si P juga kayaknya mau pindah AA huhu ;'(
hmm sepi dah -__- mudah2an gue sekelas lagi sama anak2 7C huhu gue udah sayang banget sama kalian apalagi kalian udah kayak sahabat2 gue padahal baru beberapa bulan tapi tuh sama kalian gimana ya? enjoy banget huhu 7C is the best plus pak Kusman yang baik banget hemm gue mau yang sekarang :"(
semoga sekelas ,tapi kayaknya gamungkin -,- huaahh rese!
semoga aja gue masih bisa sekelas sama : Ephine,Lika,Dito,Verin,geng Chacha,dll huhu itu sama aja hampir sekelas AAAAAAAAAA pokoknya gue sayang kalian dan gamau kehilangan kalian buat Obet yang mau pindah atau siapapun yang mau pindah jangan lupain guee Anastasia Teresa Stefany anak paling lebay,usil,nyebelin,rese :') hihihi